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The Kadant Blog

Doctoring, Cleaning, Filtration

A History of Innovation – Synthetic Fiber

The VeriLite™ Roll Cleaner Assembly is the first integrated roll cleaning assembly designed specifically for improving yield and safety in the production of synthetic fiber-based products.

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When Should You Change A Doctor Blade?

Determining the correct doctor blade for an application requires answering a number of questions to ensure the right blade is chosen to produce the needed outcomes of the application.

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In Case You Missed It

The year is half over and the marketplace is always evolving, so in case you missed it, these are the five most popular blog posts from the past six months.

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Panning for Gold the RotoFlex Way

What if you could collect large amounts of valuable resources in the form of raw materials, heat, and chemicals for almost no investment or maintenance costs? What if you could also reduce the cost of water treatment?

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Are You in A Metals Processing Industry?

Whether a continuous casting plant, hot or cold rolling mill, galvanizing, coating, painting, or any combination of the above; chances are you are seeking ways to improve and optimize your production process.

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What is TAD?

In the tissue industry, TAD is the acronym for Through Air Drying. The TAD process used in tissue manufacturing was developed by P&G, Kimberly-Clark, and Scott. TAD was first used commercially in the 1960’s in the manufacturing of tissue and towel products. Each company had a slightly different process which created an avalanche of patents around the TAD process.

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Causes of Yankee Chatter (Part 2 of 2)

In Part 1, two major sources of chatter causing vibration were highlighted: chemistry and doctors. In this post, we examine the impact excessive moisture can have on Yankee chatter.

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