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Corrugator Eliminates Steam Leaks with CorrPro® Cartridge Upgrade Kit


corrpro upgradeThe maintenance team at a Midwest corrugator was inadvertently rolling the cup seal when rebuilding CorrPro rotary joints. This coupled with thermal cycling on the machine was causing a leak path that steam cut
the ductile iron piston and vented steam. The team was continuously rebuilding rotary joints, including a new piston and cup seal. They reached out to Kadant Johnson for a solution to simplify the rebuild process.


Kadant Johnson suggested a CorrPro cartridge upgrade kit to mistake-proof assembly and eliminate the impact of thermal cycling. The kit features a stainless steel piston to prevent steam cutting and O-ring secondaryseals for easier installation and robustness to thermal cycling. The kit is a drop-in upgrade to existing CorrPro rotary joints and is designed to operate under 200 psi (13.8 bar), well within most corrugator operating conditions.


After installing the CorrPro cartridge upgrade kit, steam leaks were eliminated and the labor to service rotary joints was reduced. The pre-assembled, drop-in cartridge enabled fast and easy upgrades to existing equipment and any future maintenance.

  • Written by:
    Ron Buckhold

    Ron Buckhold

    Regional Sales Manager, Kadant Johnson

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