Corrugator Quality Control Packages Require Responsive Steam Systems
OEMs, as well as newer, high-speed corrugator lines, are installing quality control packages that are integrated with the corrugator controls. These quality control packages are designed to produce flatter board that can be converted faster. They use multiple sensors to measure sheet temperature and control variables such as wrap arm and hot plate steam pressure. They also determine the rapid steam pressure changes needed during grade changes. Unfortunately, in many cases, they still do not produce flat, well-bonded board. This is because the existing steam system hardware and controls cannot respond to the quality control system’s commands for precise steam pressures and rapid pressure changes.
A Kadant Johnson steam system upgrade provides the hardware and software controls needed to enable high-speed corrugators to make flat board. “What steam you need and what steam you get are two different things,” said Ron Buckhold, corporate account manager at Kadant Johnson, “Our steam system upgrades integrate hardware and controls to give the quality control system the steam responsiveness it needs at the double backer,” he continued, “We also manage the double backer, high-pressure receiver, and deaerator tank as one system. This is important because we can optimize the performance of the entire steam system and make sure an issue in one area does not impact the runnability of the complete corrugator.”
Additionally, many existing steam systems cannot manage the large turndown ratios the quality control package requires to run multiple grades. Dave Vijh, product manager – advanced controls at Kadant Johnson, commented, “As a part of achieving a large turndown ratio of steam pressure at the hot plate, we actively manage whether the exiting condensate is returned to the high-pressure receiver or deaerator tank and if it needs to be pumped,” he continued, “Low condensate pressures at the hot plate can cause condensate backup, while very high-pressures can be an indicator of a failed steam trap or another issue. This can cause excessive pressures at the high-pressure receiver, which in turn, causes other steam equipment at the double backer to back up with condensate,” Dave concluded, “By integrating steam equipment and controls, we can achieve large turndown ratios and detect and manage issues through the entire steam system.”
Kadant Johnson’s integration of hardware and controls across the steam system is tailored to the speed and performance requirements of each customer. The steam system experts at Kadant Johnson can determine the right amount of investment needed to optimize the performance of your quality control package.
Integrated Deaerator and High-Pressure Receiver Controls
Integrated Hot Plate Controls