PT rotary joint with integral protective shield keeps debris out of the sealing area and enhances safety around the rotary joint.
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Written by Danielle Rohrer
on March 29, 2016.
Because energy drives the papermaking process, steam is found in many energy streams in a paper mill. Steam is used to cook fibers for improved sheet strength, heat stock for improved drainage, heat process air for ventilation, heat dryers to dry paper, and selectively heat the web for improved gloss and smoothness.
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Written by Wes Martz
on October 13, 2015.
Vacuum breakers are frequently installed with the air inlet port facing up. This orientation can lead to contaminants entering the steam system and potentially accumulating on the ball, seat, and cage area of the vacuum breaker.
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Written by Al Ives
on March 17, 2015.
There are thousands of electric centrifugal pumps in service used to pump condensate. These pumps are either simplex or duplex condensate pump units and operated with a mechanical float switch assembly.
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Written by Mike Sneary
on October 28, 2014.
Kadant Johnson Inc. has expanded its corrugator steam and condensate handling systems to now include Donahue steam systems, Donahue steam traps, and corrugator audit services.
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Written by Danielle Rohrer
on August 06, 2014.