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Fluid Handling

Steam Joints for the Corrugating Industry

Rotary steam joints have been a part of the corrugating manufacturing process since the 1930’s. Since then, there have been significant advances in sealing technology, rotary joint design, and materials to extend the application range of the conventional pressure-type rotary joint.

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Why Do My Steam Coils Freeze in the Winter?

Unfortunately, this happens too often.  Repairing or replacing steam coils can be very expensive.  Fresh air make-up steam coils are typically temperature controlled using a modulating steam control valve to regulate the discharge air temperature. 

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Using Rotary Unions With Thermal Oil

Rotary unions used with heat transfer oils require special attention during repair to ensure leak-free operation. Heat transfer oils tend to “coke” at high temperatures and deposit material that can settle in the rotary union and adhere to the sealing components.

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Dryer Syphons

It has been well-documented that the distance between the condensate entrance of a syphon and the dryer shell, referred to as the syphon clearance, has considerable influence on the operational efficiency of a paper dryer. Suboptimal clearance adversely affects heat transfer capacity and the cross-machine temperature uniformity of the cylinder.

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Dryer Bars and Paper Dryer Performance

Dryer bars are axial bars placed on the inside of steam-heated paper dryers to create turbulence in the rimming condensate layer. If the spacing of the bars is chosen correctly, resonant waves are created in the condensate film, between each pair of bars.

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Revolutionary Change in Corrugating Steam Systems

Increased visibility into the system, from boiler to condensate return, maximum heat transfer, and improved runnability are what top-performing corrugators are saying can make a critical difference in their plants - allowing them to run consistently at cut-off knife speeds.

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How to Recover From Flooding in Paper Dryers

When flooded dryers are identified during machine production, and if these issues are steam system related issues, there are several actions that can be taken to restore condensate flow and get the paper dryer back to normal operation.

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