Vacuum breakers are frequently installed with the air inlet port facing up. This orientation can lead to contaminants entering the steam system and potentially accumulating on the ball, seat, and cage area of the vacuum breaker.
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Written by Al Ives
on March 17, 2015.
There are thousands of electric centrifugal pumps in service used to pump condensate. These pumps are either simplex or duplex condensate pump units and operated with a mechanical float switch assembly.
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Written by Mike Sneary
on October 28, 2014.
Dryer fabrics, often called dryer “felts”, are used to hold paper against the outer surfaces of steam-heated drying cylinders. The pressure from the dryer fabrics increases the rate of heat transfer from the dryer to the paper. The pressure that is applied to the paper depends on the fabric tension and the diameter of the dryer. The pressure can be calculated, as a first approximation, by the equation:
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Written by Greg Wedel
on September 16, 2014.
Kadant Johnson Inc. has expanded its corrugator steam and condensate handling systems to now include Donahue steam systems, Donahue steam traps, and corrugator audit services.
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Written by Danielle Rohrer
on August 06, 2014.
It has been well-documented that the distance between the condensate entrance of a syphon and the dryer shell, referred to as the syphon clearance, has considerable influence on the operational efficiency of a paper dryer. Suboptimal clearance adversely affects heat transfer capacity and the cross-machine temperature uniformity of the cylinder.
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Written by Jerry Timm
on July 09, 2014.