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The Kadant Blog

Welcome to the Kadant Toolbox, the official blog of Kadant. We know running an efficient operation with a reliable process is what your operational performance relies on, so we put our team to work for you to provide instruction, best practices, and technical know-how. 

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How to Choose a Roll Cleaning Blade

Doctor blade? Roll cleaning blade? Scraper? The term is used differently depending on the industry but the product’s purpose is the same–to clean or remove contaminants from a cylindrical surface.

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Kadant Johnson to Offer Donahue Steam Products

Kadant Johnson Inc. has expanded its corrugator steam and condensate handling systems to now include Donahue steam systems, Donahue steam traps, and corrugator audit services.

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Steam Joints for the Corrugating Industry

Rotary steam joints have been a part of the corrugating manufacturing process since the 1930’s. Since then, there have been significant advances in sealing technology, rotary joint design, and materials to extend the application range of the conventional pressure-type rotary joint.

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A Filtration System Design By and For Papermakers

Pressure filters are used extensively in the papermaking process and often go unnoticed as they effortlessly operate in stable mill water systems. They quietly perform as designed preventing shower nozzles from plugging and assuring that paper machine clothing remains clean. Pressure filters protect process equipment by removing contaminants such as sand and silt from mill water.

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Pressure Powered Pump Alternative Reduces Maintenance

There are thousands of electric centrifugal pumps in service used to pump condensate. These pumps are either simplex or duplex condensate pump units and operated with a mechanical float switch assembly.

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Paper Dryer Fabric Tension Impacts Dryer Performance

Dryer fabrics, often called dryer “felts”, are used to hold paper against the outer surfaces of steam-heated drying cylinders. The pressure from the dryer fabrics increases the rate of heat transfer from the dryer to the paper. The pressure that is applied to the paper depends on the fabric tension and the diameter of the dryer. The pressure can be calculated, as a first approximation, by the equation:

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Dryer Syphons

It has been well-documented that the distance between the condensate entrance of a syphon and the dryer shell, referred to as the syphon clearance, has considerable influence on the operational efficiency of a paper dryer. Suboptimal clearance adversely affects heat transfer capacity and the cross-machine temperature uniformity of the cylinder.

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